The Benefits of Quality Air

A good air quality is one of the most important thing related to a good well-being. It’s not just the outdoor area, the indoor area also matters. If your house lacks proper ventilation and filtration, your home’s air might be worse than that of a highway. Indoor air quality is the overall quality of air indoors – be it a building or home. Keep in mind that the allergens and pollutants are different and more intense than those found outside.

A poor indoor air quality can cause a massive effect on our overall quality of life. The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization estimated that the poor indoor quality costs $12 billion a year – mainly from poor performance, illness, and absences. Indoor air pollution is also one of the five environmental risks that affects health worldwide.

Now, you understand how indoor air quality can affect you – there’s a great risk involved and you can’t afford it for you and your family.

You can get extremely tired from excessive heat or cold along with repeating conditions such as headaches, colds, cough, discomfort and other symptoms.

The body is affected by the temperature. Your energy can be easily used up if it’s too hot or too cold. You can confusedly feel tired or dehydrated, and these things can leave you stressed leaving vulnerable to diseases and minor infections. Over the course of the time, your body will continually wear down until you completely succumb to dangerous infections.

However, if your home has a long-term air conditioning system, these stress are reduced over time, the opposite of what a poorly air conditioned system does to you. Your quality of life will be better and you’ll be less vulnerable to infections.

There will be a long and short term impact on you and your family. When all pollutants are removed, many infectious diseases are removed and allergy and asthma sufferers can find comfort. Not only sickly people can benefit from clean air. Remember that many germs and bacteria as well as chemicals, pollens and smoke accumulates in the air and with proper air conditioning – which removes these airborne hazards – you are reducing your exposure to these microbes. With that, you are also reducing your chances of developing heart disease, cancer, lung disease, stroke and many respiratory problems. By eliminating these harmful substances, you and your family can live a better and longer life.

There are so many studies and evidence that link indoor air quality with performance and productivity – it has been revealed that a better indoor air quality increases a person’s productivity and performance.